

  • 时间:2024-06-12 19:55:48
  • 来源:腾力游戏网
  • 作者:互联网
  • 您的位置:首页 > 游戏攻略 > 齐鲁文脉传承-跨越万年的文化盛宴



      With the azure mountains and vast sea side by side, Shandong has a long history and profound culture. Recently, the “Everchanging Shandong - Exhibition of Shandong History and Culture“ at Shandong Museum won the prestigious “21st National Museum Top Ten Display Exhibition Fine Works Promotion“ award, which is known as the “Oscar“ in the Chinese museum industry. If you want to learn about Shandong, start from here!


      “One-shot to the Present,“ this exhibition follows the timeline of historical development, showcasing the continuous cultural and historical scroll of Shandong from prehistoric times through the Shang and Zhou dynasties, Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing dynasties, modern times, and into the new era. Iconic treasures such as the Yaochou Yue axe, the eggshell black pottery high-handled cup, and the nine-pendant crown represent the characteristics of various important periods in Chinese history.


      The ugly cute “Yachou Yue Axe”, the pride of the museum, is often used as an emoji by netizens, and its related cultural and creative products are often sold out! In fact, during the Shang Dynasty, the “yue“(axe) was both a ceremonial instrument and a weapon of punishment. Its protruding eyes and wide mouth with sharp teeth are overwhelmingly intimidating. Do you think it's a Bronze League? Actually, it's a Master Tier!


      “Black as lacquer, bright as a mirror, thin as paper and hard as porcelain,“ the eggshell black pottery cup with a high handle is an important symbol of Shandong’s Longshan culture. The thinnest part of its rim is only 0.2 millimeters, thinner than an eggshell! It can be considered as the “black technology“ of 4,000 years ago, and its craftsmanship has not been perfectly replicated even today.


      The magnificent crown of Zhu Tan(King Lu Huang), the “Nine-pendant Crown,“ dates back over 600 years and is the only surviving physical example of the crown from the early Ming Dynasty, possessing immense cultural and historical value. It is an essential piece of evidence for studying the etiquette system of the early Ming Dynasty. Its manufacturing techniques include bamboo weaving, lacquer coating, gold and jade processing, reflecting the superb handicraft production technology of that time, making it a true national treasure.


      The exhibition utilizes various advanced “black technologies“ such as flat information modules, three-dimensional experience devices, and modern media technology to construct a diversified information interpretation system integrating “cultural relics, graphic panels, media, and scenarios,“ making the visit both interesting, easy to understand, and visually appealing. Moreover, this is no longer just a display of cultural relics; it is a vibrant and colorful exhibition that integrates art and technology. Visitors can interact with early humans and animals in the prehistoric era exhibition hall through large screens, immerse themselves in the ancient atmosphere, observe the cave-like life of early humans thousands of years ago from a close distance, and learn about the earliest mysterious craniotomy through visual media, etc.


      As each cultural relic comes into view, time becomes tangible here. This weekend, come to the Shandong Museum to explore the Shandong stories that have been accumulated for thousands of years!











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